Sunday, March 10, 2024

for your consideration

 It is possible that Genesis chapter 2 is not on earth. At the end of chapter 1 God says that everything God created was very good. There was no possibility of any bad, it really was all good. But in chapter 2 God creates a tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That is not very good. God warns that if you touch this tree you will die. That sounds horrible. Where is this horrible place? The death trap, garden of eden. Then in chapter 3 we find the most evil thing God has ever created,  the serpent, the dragon, the devil, Satan. Not only is this not very good, it is horribly evil. 

Then God kicks Adam and Eve out of the death trap garden of eden and puts a flaming sword that turns every which way, this sword might be the sun, because it is east of eden. The sun rises in the east. Then God curses the very good earth and it becomes horrible.

It's worth giving a thought.